Display images in your Google Ads

Updated Wednesday, March 01, 2023

This answer applies to AgentWebsite plans that include Google Ads. Explore plans and prices.

Your Google Ads may be eligible to include images along with text.


  • Your Google Ads account must have been active for over 90 days.
  • Your account must have a good compliance history with Google's policies.
  • Your account must have active text ads and must have been accruing spend on Search campaigns for at least the last 28 days.
  • See this page for image format requirements: https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/10347108

Things to bear in mind

  • Images are not linked to a specific ad.
  • Google may (or may not) choose to display any of up to 20 images that you provide.

Submit images for your ad campaign

  1. Choose quality images that you own, or that you have a license to use.
  2. Name the image files in this format: googleads-door-with-red-house.jpg
  3. Upload the images in the AgentWebsite Control Panel, in Advanced > Show images.
  4. Do not resize the images smaller than 600 pixels wide when uploading.
  5. After uploading images, let us know so we can add them to your campaign.


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